Enlighten Training


People usually understand why innovation is so important, but how easy is it to change when you’ve been doing something the same way for a long time?

Previous experiences can affect our approaches to risk and organisational culture can define how we transform. Working together we can celebrate the art of the possible, we can find creative solutions to long-standing problems and we can re-imagine new ways of working.

Enlighten Training can help your organisation to develop an ‘innovation culture’ and to harness the creative brilliance of your people.

What we offer
Maturity Assessment

Our Maturity Assessment tool explores 12 key elements of your business from vision and leadership through to culture and inspiration. We use a blend of interviews, workshops and literature / policy review to benchmark and to offer meaningful insight.

Innovation Workshops
Bespoke and highly interactive workshops bring people together to look at the challenges they face and to imagine new ways of doing things. We examine key elements of the innovation cycle including problem identification, ideation, concept refinement and making the case for transformative change.

Executive Coaching
Coaching tailored to your needs and focussed on complimenting innovation strategy with the development of programmes of activity that will help you to build an innovation culture at every level in an organisation.

About the CKP
The Certificate in Knowledge of Policing (CKP) is a national level 3 qualification introduced by the College of Policing as a pre-join requirement for police forces. It covers the legislation, policy and processes required to be a police officer, so if you are thinking of joining as a police constable then this course and qualification is for you.

You must obtain the CKP qualification from an approved provider if you wish to apply/join the Metropolitan Police Service and many other Forces across England and Wales, including Cheshire, Surrey and Thames Valley to name a few.

1ACKP – Enlighten Training is recognised as an approved provider by the College of Policing.

The CKP qualification is valid for 3 years for individuals who do not work in a policing environment, and 4 years for those who do (such as Special constables, PCSOs or police staff). This means that you can complete the qualification and then chose to apply for a police force at the timing of your choice, but of course you need to keep your knowledge up to date to ensure you are at the level required to become a recruit police officer. To help you achieve this you will have access to the College of Policing student notes, and e-learning.

Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and understanding required to enable you to become a police constable.

Case Study

The Issue
We were approached by a large police service that wanted their new recruits to undertake the qualification as employees and therefore needed to retool the material to be suitable for delivery in this way, which also added the extra issue that failure of the assessments would lead to termination of employment.

The Goals
The client wanted the programme to run over 7 weeks over several years, utilising multiple classrooms and trainers so we were able to upscale our resources rapidly utilising our in-house trainers who had an extensive background in police probationer training.

The Method
We delivered a blended programme encompassing a range of learning methods to suit all styles, as well as using varied assessment methods from multiple choice, short answer, long written answers and professional discussion.

The Benefits
• Standardised training across all new recruits, giving clients the confidence all shared the same level of knowledge and understanding in critical policing legislative knowledge.
• Students on the programme received in-depth support, coaching and learning far above that which could have been achieved on a solely distance or part time programme.
• The pass rate was nearly 100% allowing the client to maintain its recruitment targets and for students to progress with their careers.
• The outsourcing of this element of training also relieved pressure on the internal training department during a time of challenging targets and was also more cost effective in a time of austerity.

The Policing Education Qualifications Framework is being introduced to support the development of policing as a profession by recognising and raising educational standards within policing. This work is being conducted by The College of Policing.

We understand your needs:
Enlighten Training are already an approved provider of police pre-join training by The College of Policing, along with our partners Outsource Training we are the preferred provider of the Certificate in the Knowledge of Policing (CKP) for the Metropolitan Police.

We currently work with over a dozen forces supporting them in the National Police Promotions Framework (NPPF), the supply of qualified trainers delivering the Initial Police Learning Development Programme (IPLDP), assessors, coaches and mentors and many other forms of police training.

If you are a force or a HEI we will be able to:
• Become a conduit between the HEI and the individual Police Forces, to provide an insight and bespoke consultancy services that will support the relationship between both parties to deliver the Apprenticeship Degree
• Along with Outsource (a long-established apprenticeship provider) we will manage you apprenticeship administration needs
• Provide qualified Police Trainers, Assessors, and Internal Verifiers
• Develop the Apprenticeship Degree scheduling, training delivery materials and course content, working with individual forces to meet their needs in line with the guidance published by The College of Policing
• We will use our organisational experience to support the apprenticeship HEI provider/police force to complete all registration processes with The College of Policing

CKP/Police Pre-join certificate for a major police force
Enlighten has been the largest supplier of the police pre-join Certificate in Knowledge of Policing since 2013 and delivered it to thousands of individuals who have signed up to complete it, either to assist in the entry requirements of their police applications, or to gain a level 3 qualification.

While the curriculum is provided by the College of Policing all content design and lesson planning was undertaken into a coherent 10 module course that has been delivered via fully classroom-based methods, online, and blended which was a significant amount of design and development.

We have found many police forces benefit from having the support of a training services provider as it offers them a more responsive and cost-effective mechanism to respond to the peaks and troughs in demand for training. We can supply experienced trainers and educators for all manner of training from large scale recruit training through to highly specialised police, technology and security learning.

We are delivering this model to a broad range of police forces and special projects, particularly providing user training for large scale ICT implementation throughout the UK. Our trainers comply with, and exceed, College of Policing requirements for delivering police trainers and maintain their occupational currency and competency by conducting regular CPD which is monitored by us, and we have found this provides clients with guaranteed quality, a significant reduction in administration and flexibility. We have worked with many of our clients for many years which we take as a hallmark of their faith in us.

Ready to develop your approaches to innovation
To discuss how Enlighten Training can help you and to find out more about the products and services we offer please get in touch: hello@enlightentraining.org or call 020 3755 3366.

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