Exciting times for Emergency Services Career Transition (ESCT)


The past few months has seen a whirlwind of activity for Emergency Services Career Transition (ESCT).

At our recent Advisory Panel meeting we were pleased to introduce our new Strategic Partner Director, Ren Kapur MBE, to the team. Ren brings with her a wealth of experience in supporting people transitioning into civilian careers, with Enterprise Learning and Self Employment, through her organisation X-Forces Enterprise. Ren said ‘It’s a privilege to work with ESCT and the board members. Providing business knowhow and access to networks cannot be underestimated whether the decision is to work for someone or start a venture of your own. Having built the largest enterprise community for the armed forces, and their families, in the UK, we were determined to create the same for others who have served, plus their families, and I am delighted to join ESCT to make this a reality’.

“X-Forces Enterprise has already supported over 200 people from the Emergency Services and with the partnership, and Ren’s appointment, we are determined to reach many more people across the UK” said Gavin McMillan, Director at ESCT.  

Here’s To The Inaugural Program Kicking off in Gloucestershire
In addition, we announced the start of the ESCT Programme for police officers in Gloucestershire Constabulary. This Programme is supported by their local Police Federation as part of an overall support and welfare package they offer their members. There are plans in place to roll out our ESCT Programme to other parts of the country over the next six months. 

In October we manned a stand at the Police Resettlement EXPO in London, courtesy of Security Cleared Jobs. We were busy all day, listening to police officers and staff who were struggling with coming to terms with retirement, and the lack of support given to them. Many were leaving it right up to the last few months or weeks to start making plans. 

Many told us that they were so busy at work that they did not have time to plan their future in any constructive way. We would advocate starting your planning at least two years before retirement. ESCT can help you through this process, recognising your needs and planning at your pace. ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do’, was a regular comment from those who sought our help. This is a common concern for many, and we can help you through this process one step at a time.

Also, in October, we were invited to the Hampshire Constabulary Police Federation Annual General Meeting, where we were able to inform officers on the support available to them, and how ESCT can help access this support as they plan their retirement or seek out development within their organisation.

So, what are we hoping to achieve? 

The simple answer is to provide a range of services that support Emergency Services staff as they prepare to transition from the Service to the next stage of their life, at no cost to the individual.

This includes but is not limited to
• Helping you explore what retirement or leaving the Service would mean to you and your family
• Reviewing your overall financial situation and future requirements
• Coaching for CV writing and interview skills if you are looking for a new job
• Understanding the power of networking and self- promotion
• Guidance on finding a job or starting up your own enterprise or business, including access to government backed funding

At the heart of what we do is that each service we provide is tailor made to suit your individual circumstances.

How can we afford to do this?
We are able to offer these services completely free, due to the fact that the Government, Charities and Corporates recognise the important contribution that members of the Emergency Services make, as well as how crucial it is to take advantage of the unique skills they have gained in their careers, and so fund ESCT to be able to support the transition into their new lives .

If you are thinking about life outside the Emergency Services, are approaching retirement, or if you even want to simply discuss the options that are available to you; take advantage of the unique platform that has been created by Emergency Service Leavers FOR The Emergency Services, and head to www.esctransition.org.uk to start your journey with us.

Employer Recognition Scheme
The Emergency Services Career Transition Recognition Scheme awards companies’ who support the UK Emergency Services Community. This can be demonstrated through supportive policies to those who serve, volunteer or have served with the Emergency Services. We also encourage support for Emergency Services families, who are the vital support for people doing challenging work, often with anti-social hours and conditions. We also strongly advocate support for the Emergency Services cadet schemes and we are proud to support schemes such as Citizens in Policing.

ESCT delivers their Career Transition Programme to Gloucestershire Police
ESCT are pleased to be working with Gloucestershire Constabulary to deliver a six-month Career Transition Programme to 20 of their police officers that are preparing to retire. This Programme is sponsored by their Police Federation Branch as part of the ongoing support they provide to their members from the start of their career to the time they exit the organisation. 

The Programme has been designed to take a holistic approach and provide participants with all of the advice and guidance they need to help them plan their retirement. We are not simply looking to discuss their finances, although this is important, but to also consider what they want to do, beyond retirement, and how we can help fulfil their potential as they move into the next phase of their life. The Programme includes a series of seminars, workshops, coaching sessions and ongoing mentoring which each participant can take advantage of at no cost to them. All aspects of the Programme are delivered by appropriate experts, including financial advisors, HR and recruitment leads, networking and social media leads and coaches. 

To make sure the services we deliver meet the needs of the participants, and to help us develop our services, the Programme is being overseen by Buckinghamshire New University who will assist us with our evaluation. The Programme is being sponsored by BMW and X-Emergency Services. A range of our supporters from industry, and experts in their field, will be delivering the sessions, including BT, Eight Wealth Management, Datum, QintetiQ, ThinkBeDoLeadership and X-Emergency Services (part of X-Forces Enterprise).

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